Archive for the ‘Dogs’ Category

Week 12


It took three weeks, but I am back to losing instead of gaining.  This shit is no joke. It takes every ounce of me to make better decisions. I actually have to be selfish for myself, which is a foreign concept to me. I am so used to putting all my time and energy into […]

Week 5


Last week was hard. I fell into old habits, didn’t exercise, and gave myself more liberties than I should have. I am down .4 lbs. I’m not surprised. I had so much gusto at the beginning and it’s fading quickly. My cheat day turned into two semi-cheat days. Or it’s been a little give and […]

Week 2


I didn’t do as well this week, I am down .4 lbs. I guess it is better than the scale going up, but I am a little disappointed in myself. I was eating different things this week, which may account for it. I did go a little crazy on Valentine’s Day, but I was really […]

Instant Mama


I am going to preface this now by saying I know having pets is 100% different than having children. With that said… My animals are my babies and I feel like their parent. Animals have such an innocent and loving soul, all I want to do is protect them. From the moment we brought Riley home, […]

Sooo we may have gotten a cat… I never in a million years thought I would be a cat owner. Ever since I was 5 and a cat scratched my eye, I have been very weary about them. I have always been a dog person and steered clear of all cats. I was perusing Facebook […]

Month of Thanks


I’m a couple days behind on this, but there are a lot of things I am thankful for and what better time than November to list them. November 1: I am thankful for new opportunities. This past Monday, I started a new job within my company. I moved departments to a role that is more […]

Wow what a difference a year makes! A year ago today, we brought Riley home from the shelter. We started this journey with no plan at all and she continues to amaze us everyday. I still remember when we first saw her, it was in the last row that we looked at and she was […]

The weather here has been pretty crappy lately. PLEASE let the sun come back soon! I have neglected the blog and I apologize. Most things have been the same in my world. I am trying to make an effort to see people I haven’t seen in awhile. It’s always nice to reconnect after a long […]

Pug Day


I cannot believe it has been a year since we lost our dear beloved Pug. My heart still breaks knowing he’s gone, especially thinking how much he would have loved Riley. How, no matter what was going on, he greeted you with a wagging tail and how much of a fighter he was until the […]

Um.. so something horrible happened this morning… I took Riley on her usual walk this morning. She was doing the same thing she always does, sniffing the ground and running in circles. Then all of a sudden before I could stop it… she ate poop. POOP! Not her own poop, some random poop that was […]